
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

yumma exp:10.22.2013

Simple day....
Healthy Food Haul
Watching Luca
and made some oh so good "Healthy Lemon Peppered Turkey Wraps w/ Homemade apple butter on a whole grain tortilla (the next day, I added some cottage cheese to boost up the protein intake a tad more)

I've been thinking about starting my sugar-free health and fitness progress blog; but I am trying to decide on whether or not to just keep it on this page, with a section called "Sugar Free". This week has been packed and it's only Tuesday night; tomorrow, I have "team fitness" at Lifetime, then afterwards, I need to get some serious packing done for my trip next week. I will be leaving in exactly a week from tomorrow (Wednesday). 

I am also preparing for the big game hunting season next month and I will still be eating healthy and training for my fitness competition (next year). I hope everyone is well and have a great night Love...-cc

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