
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Going to Miami

Currently @ the airport, on my way to my layover point (Miami), then off to Barbados the next morning. I'm bummed that Rihanna's diamond tour date has been canceled, but I guess we will just have to make the best of it. (Which shouldn't be's Barbados!!!!!) 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In Honor of Deer Season 2013 "Experimental Dinner"

Another beast mode day at the gym!!!! I got in a three hour workout today and I absolutely loved the team fitness session. Anywho...In honor of DEER SEASON 2013 approaching us shortly....I decided to make some experimental..... Venison-Coconut meatballs with experimental meatball sauce made of blended canned tomatoes and pears with some seasonings and extra virgin olive oil, roasted sweet potatoes, nasty spinach (I had to get rid of it, instead of throwing it away like I do every month), and yummy pinto beans...... Here are some "Yumma" pictures to enjoy......  (Okay... the pictures are not in order; I am too tired to mess with moving them around...the blog is being a bit finicky tonight; including that big ole space above this posting. Goodnight Love -cc


If you would like to know the experimental recipe plus detailed ingredients, feel free to email me at or post a request for me to post the recipe here on the blog....;) enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

yumma exp:10.22.2013

Simple day....
Healthy Food Haul
Watching Luca
and made some oh so good "Healthy Lemon Peppered Turkey Wraps w/ Homemade apple butter on a whole grain tortilla (the next day, I added some cottage cheese to boost up the protein intake a tad more)

I've been thinking about starting my sugar-free health and fitness progress blog; but I am trying to decide on whether or not to just keep it on this page, with a section called "Sugar Free". This week has been packed and it's only Tuesday night; tomorrow, I have "team fitness" at Lifetime, then afterwards, I need to get some serious packing done for my trip next week. I will be leaving in exactly a week from tomorrow (Wednesday). 

I am also preparing for the big game hunting season next month and I will still be eating healthy and training for my fitness competition (next year). I hope everyone is well and have a great night Love...-cc

Sunday, October 20, 2013

yumma exp:10.20.2013

Today was absolutely gorgeous; I woke up early, attended morning church service, got in a two hour gym flow, read a few pages of a new book, tasted the new coffee from starbucks, began packing for my trip, and watched Luca sleep again (but this time, halfway inside of his pet carrier.......
Gym Flow (I have moved up from 180lbs to 250lbs for my leg press) Beast Mode!!!!!!!!

The New "Ethiopian" Coffee from Starbucks giving recognition to its coffee supplier.

Pour it UP, Pour it UP....Getting ready for Barbados and Rihanna Concert in less than two weeks.

Reading a new book (I borrowed from my good friend), drinking a morning smoothie with plain Chobani yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, cranberries, and honey; and watching a little bit of netflix from my wii

Luca says I am not leaving without him next time; he is ready to go; even though he is sleeping (lazy dog)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

all about Lu 10.16.2013

Early morning workout at 5:30am
Falling while doing jump ups at the gym and falling flat on my face
Beautiful rainy morning with deer running across your driven path
Coming home to Lu doing what he does best (napping) 
Priceless Day...
Goodnight Love -cc

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Where I was a Year Ago October 8, 2012

On October 8, 2012, I hit my first major pit; this is where I was a year ago and still today; I am up and down, but hoping to get better small steps at a time. This is the entry I wrote in a notebook, while sitting in my home in the worst city on Earth.......

"When God is Not Enough"

When he walked away from me, I walked away from myself
He would come back; I had hope; was alive for a moment till he left again,
after he had what he wanted no more. I didn't want me either; still don't know if I want me still. It feels good not to love anymore. I woke up this morning. I didn't feel anything. Not feeling, being emotionless is healing me. I don't love. It feels good not to love. It's helping me move on. Loveless is healing. It feels so good right now to not love anyone, but to love things because things don't do anything to you, things serve a purpose and they stick to that purpose. People are unreliable, when it comes to love. I will never love. It feels good not to. And today, for the first time in months, I don't feel empty without him. 

yumma exp:10.14.2013

Simple Monday, was feeling on top of the world and shot back down soon afterwards, but I survived. I am giving this prayer and "let go and let God" way of life a chance; my way isn't working too well right now. I do have faith that things will work out in my favor and for the will go God. (Please don't let me down)

A few simple non-guilty pleasures from Monday include: Luca sleeping and these 'Oh So Good" Dark Chocolate Cocoa Roast Almonds!!!!!! And I haven't made note of it here on the blog, but in two weeks "Rihanna in Barbados!!!!!" Yasssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

beautiful day

Thank you God, for the simplicity, yet awesomeness of beautiful days...whether they be cloudy or clear blue....they are all from you. Thank you for another day. I love you God. (Even though I don't tell you as often I should)...-cc

yumma exp:10.09.2013

It's been an extremely busy week. I completely lost track of the time and was limited on being able to update the blog this week. For a quick update, the early part of the week was filled with my normal daily gym flow, spending time with Lu, working, and grocery shopping. I also helped my father take care of some things that needed to be done before his big trip. 
I also got to spend some fun quality time with my friends on Thursday; we visited an archeological park about an hour away from my home. I loved it so much!! I absolutely love anything related to history and nature. It was truly a blessed day and I thank God for good friends and the opportunity to be able to share new memories with them as well. I look forward to many more fun days with them again in the near future. 

I've also been trying to focus more on my diet, so that I can continue to build more muscle and lose more body fat. I am so excited that this week, I actually lost 1% body fat and I am now at 31%. I think my goal will be 20 to 25% body fat. (at least that will be my first goal) I will see how I like the results and decide on whether or not I need to lose more. 

I am also thinking about starting a sister blog and naming her "sugar-free cookie connie". It will be my progress journal on everything related to my daily fitness and diet, as I work on getting closer to my "figure" competition that I am planning on competing in next year. Let me know, if you guys think that would be something you would like to follow. Anyway, I hope to post new pictures later this week. Goodnight Love, thanks for sharing my story....-cc

Saturday, October 5, 2013

my life missing

I'm missing my old life. This constant battle to stay positive, upbeat, hopeful, grateful, and being happy in the moment, etc, is all less than possible. All a constant struggle, when you're stuck in a place in time and you know you've had/earned better for yourself before you lost just about everything fabulous. 

It hurts to work so hard for so long and gain so much and have it taken away all in a year's time. It hurts like hell.  

Friday, October 4, 2013

luca 10.04.2013

Just wanted to share a few pictures of my easy joy (Luca) I adore him for being simple and carefree.... and always moody, bossy, demanding, and loving....(what's so simple about that?) Maybe not simple coming from a human, but from a pet; it's sweet and natural;)
He needs to see a groomer; but I haven't decided on a cut and the fall season is here now...
Stalking down that Beef Jerky in her hand......

yumma exp:10.01-02.2013

It's been a super busy week; after Monday, my father and I went to the country and did a little bit of target practicing and sighting-in some rifles for hunting season coming up next month. The crazy part....a nosey little doe walked right behind our target board....She just stood there and watched us for about five minutes and then pranced away after we were no longer any interest. 
I am also a huge punk when it comes to spiders, but most bugs don't seem to bother me too much, as long as I see them first... 

My healthy dinner Tuesday night...Baked chicken, sweet potatoes, and kidney beans....

My easy joy (Luca) sleeping peacefully. I love dogs; I would really love to adopt a german shepherd or a great dane within the next few years or so.....

I thank God, that these few days were less painful than the others I had last week and earlier. I experienced a little more joy that I tried to embrace these two days. Goodnight Love, Thanks for taking the time to share my life. -cc