
Saturday, August 3, 2013

letting go?

"Release what's holding You in the Past, so that You can receive what's prepared for You in the Future"

How do you let go, when you've experienced being with the one, you never dreamed of because you knew they never existed, but un-expectantly, that dream person came true. I encountered that dream, about two years ago. They say, when you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try to forget about it, it never goes away. The one I loved, and still love today, won't leave my mind; I keep remembering the best of times together; that keep me from remembering the worst of times together. His memory and the consequences that came along because of knowing him are affecting my life today and are holding me in a deep dark and muddy pit.

I'm having a hard time digging out of it, because I was at full contentment, my life was finally perfect and everything along with my hard work and dedication to my career, my amazing social life, and family love.....were all being pieced together and I was never happier.

Things are far from perfection now; I have lost so much....I am afraid of the future not being as bright.....afraid of winning again....then losing. Life doesn't get better after the best, it's a continuous cycle of ups and downs and you have to embrace the ups so when the downs appear again, you are not able to cope, but you are able to think of the good to help you fight through the darkest moments.

It was a learning experience for me; that has given me some bitter wisdom, yet I would do it all again, just to embrace the moment. I have forgiven 'You". I don't regret "You"; I will always love 'You"......I can only hope to let go enough to make it to a future of happiness and contentment again.....

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