
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lost and Found

 "If you are lost, God will find you"
Luke 19:10

I have been lost for a long time. I knew it every now and then. I would know, acknowledge and accept that fact; I would attempt to fix it, yet  I would become side tracked by life events dealing with relationships, peer pressure, society's thoughts, opinions,  expectations, materialistic things, status, money= my narcissism....

On October 8th 2012, I completely lost my fucking mind and everything else along with it. How do you lose, when you are lost? It happens; shit happens.... In the process of me falling from grace, knocked off my high black stallion, kicked off my pedestal of perfection....God gave and took all away.... 

In the event of "God finding me" while I was lost deep in the darkness that was my eternal light; God found me and took me away from all that was holding me together. This is the chronicle of my fall, I am still falling...this is my struggle of returning to life, the desire to live and be fearless, bold and strong love existence.